
Our system of exchanging the information required to perform our services is extremely simple:

  1. Client transmits weekly billing sheets (with CPT codes, diagnosis codes, and referring providers), along with face sheets via fax. WE DO NOT RECEIVE ANY ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.
  2. Physiatry Billing Specialists Inc. (PBS) inputs patient information and charges, and submits claims electronically.
  3. Client receives ALL PAYMENTS. PBS receives no checks.
  4. PBS will download EOBs where possible from the respective insurance carriers – Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Aetna, etc.
  5. Client sends paper EOBs and correspondence to Physiatry Billing Specialists Inc. via Fedex package
    prepaid by PBS.
  6. Physiatry Billing follows up on receivables, writes appeals as needed, and transmits billing and collection
    reports to client.